
AI may just make our tasks easier, not our lives

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Google’s DeepMind and current CEO of Inflection AI, has made a bold prediction: Within the next five years, we will all have our very own AI-powered personal assistants. In a recent interview with CNBC, Suleyman shed light on this groundbreaking development, emphasizing that AI technology is becoming both more affordable and accessible.

Imagine having an AI companion who not only knows you but is also incredibly intelligent and understands your personal history. According to Suleyman, this vision will soon become a reality for everyone. This AI will have the ability to preserve information in its working memory, ultimately making our daily lives more efficient and convenient.

Just wondering: So, if he is right, does it mean that soon we have to do more things with less effort and eventually, because of the rising number of duties, spend maybe even more energy, or our lives just get easier with AI? Unfortunately, we have to wait for the answer. Meanwhile, we can shed light on the ongoing situation and Suleyman’s latest AI prediction. If you wonder, too, keep reading and explore now!

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Are you ready to be your own chief of staff?

“It will be able to reason over your day, help you prioritize your time, help you invent, be much more creative,” Suleyman explained. “It will be a research assistant, but it will also be a coach and companion.”

But Suleyman’s vision extends beyond personal assistance. He envisions AI becoming an integral part of our lives, akin to a “chief of staff.” This concept, borrowed from the corporate world, refers to a high-level position that assists executives in making critical business decisions. In essence, Suleyman believes AI will be our trusted right-hand companion, intimately acquainted with our personal information and aligned with our interests.

“”The way I see it is that in 5 years, everybody is gonna have their own ‘chief of staff,'” he said, which refers to a high-level position at a company that is intended to help executives make better business decisions, according to the Harvard Business Review. Some consider a chief of staff a right-hand person to the boss — and that’s what an AI version could be.”

-Mustafa Suleyman, cofounder of Google’s DeepMind

Suleyman’s predictions align with the growing trend of integrating generative AI technologies, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, into our lives. Since its launch, people have found innovative ways to utilize AI in various aspects of their daily routines, from planning vacations to completing work tasks.

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has compared the significance of AI to the creation of the internet, foreseeing its potential to ease the workload of healthcare professionals and educators. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has also recognized the enormous potential of AI, anticipating its impact on virtually every aspect of our lives.

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In Suleyman’s view, the democratization of AI is inevitable. Soon, we may experience the incredible capabilities of AI as if it were a readily available commodity—affordable, widespread, and capable of enhancing our intelligence and productivity.

Suleyman’s view underscores the idea that AI should serve as an invaluable assistant, helping us manage information and streamline tasks. However, it’s essential for society to recognize that the responsible adoption of AI comes with the duty to understand, monitor, and regulate these systems to ensure ethical and fair use. As we harness AI’s potential, we must also embrace the responsibility that comes with it, fostering a harmonious partnership between humans and machines that maximizes the benefits while minimizing potential pitfalls.